Confronting one’s mortality can be an overwhelming prospect. However, with a strong spiritual foundation, one can prepare for the end of life by living well, in the present moment. This recently launched project offers some resources for approaching the end of life in a yogic way, with information and resources organized into six tracks: spiritual; physical release; practical planning; community service; memorials and interment; and legacy giving. From the Integral Yoga End-Of-Life Project website:
“For over half a century, Integral Yoga has taught us how to live an easeful, peaceful, and useful life. Now, as we age, the time has come for Integral Yoga to lead the way in guiding people to prepare for the end of life so we may more peacefully leave our legacies behind us. The curriculum for this initiative has the potential to be as significant to Yoga Teacher Training as has been to the development of Yoga Therapy. The programming for it is developed by senior Integral Yoga students and ministers worldwide.”
To find out more, visit the Integral Yoga End-Of-Life Project.